Top 3 Public Records Providers

Choose the Perfect Public Records Service for You!

Search results are provided by TruthFinder, the industry leader in public records. After clicking search, you will be taken to the results on their website. To access the public records reports, you will need to sign-up for a paid TruthFinder subscription.

Top 3 Public Records Providers

Top 3 Public Records Providers

Over the course of two full days, we thoroughly tested multiple public records providers to evaluate the size of their databases, ease of use, speed, reliability, and price. We rated each provider from 1 to 10 based on these factors.

After extensive comparisons, we found that TruthFinder is the clear winner and stands out as our top choice for 2025. TruthFinder offers the most comprehensive public records database available and features an exceptionally user-friendly website, making searches quick and intuitive.

That said, we understand that everyone has different needs when it comes to public records searches. If you're interested in exploring additional options, we've provided a breakdown of the top 3 providers below.

Rating: 9.7

The leading public records provider by far! Effortlessly access information on almost anyone. With millions of records updated daily, TruthFinder ensures you receive the most accurate and up-to-date data.

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Rating: 9.2

Offers a large collection of public records compared to most providers but falls short of TruthFinder and comes at a higher price. One of the pioneers in providing online background checks directly to consumers.

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Rating: 8.6

A dependable public records provider with an extensive database. However, some records we searched for were unavailable. Additionally, the website is less user-friendly compared to TruthFinder and Instant Checkmate.

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Public Records Provider Rating Summary Review
9.7 The leading public records provider by far! Effortlessly access information on almost anyone. With millions of records updated daily, TruthFinder ensures you receive the most accurate and up-to-date data. See Full Review
9.2 Offers a large collection of public records compared to most providers but falls short of TruthFinder and comes at a higher price. One of the pioneers in providing online background checks directly to consumers. See Full Review
8.6 A dependable public records provider with an extensive database. However, some records we searched for were unavailable. Additionally, the website is less user-friendly compared to TruthFinder and Instant Checkmate. See Full Review